We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase.
If you are not 100% happy with your purchase, please send it back within 14 days of delivery for a full refund of the cost of the product. Unwanted items must be returned by post and the cost of delivery is payable by the customer.
If you have received the wrong item, please email thekidlaroi@ceremonyofroses.com to let us know.
Please include images of what you've received and let us know what product you were expecting.
When returning items, we strongly recommend that when you return items, you ask the post office for proof of postage. You can obtain this by asking your local post office for a proof of postage receipt.
We cannot process returns that are lost in the post.
You may return all new, unworn/unused items fulfilled by Ceremony of Roses for a full refund of the cost of the product.
Please note: We cannot accept returns on the following types of items:
Your return must include a document with Name/Contact info, the item Name/Size and the reason for returning.
If you have received the wrong item, please contact thekidlaroi@ceremonyofroses.com before returning the order.
The Kid Laroi US Returns
1 Viper Way
Vista CA 92081
Return Tracking
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